Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome to the New Decade

So, I've been meaning to start one of these things for quite a long time. Basically I figure the new year/decade is the perfect time to start one of them. I'm keeping this for the usual reasons: self promotion, keeping a list of all the movies I've watched, posting about music and everything in between. I also see this as a great way of keeping me on track with some of my new years resolutions, which for the first time, I'm actually making.

They are pretty simple:

1. Keep a list of movies that I have seen over the year, which I hadn't ever previously. (I got this idea from a friend of mine, Michael Smith)

2. Start a blog and review 5-10 albums each week, and whenever possible upload them here.

3. Try anything edible, not because I necessarily want to start eating healthier, but because I don't want to be missing out on something delicious I was too afraid to try. (I can be a picky eater and wanna quit)

4. Release 3 Mind Rot Releases. (I figure this is quite a simple goal considering we did 3 over a few months last year.)

5. Own a house.

6. Travel more than I did this past year. (This one will be quite hard to break considering how much I did in 2009)

7. Have the Pembertons be in the process of releasing something by years end and done at least two 3-day tours and played one fest.

I feel all these will be quite simple to accomplish as long as I am discipline myself to obtain these. So basically thats the long and short of it.

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